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One of the first things we ask our clients when we do a Homeowners quote is if they have a Windstorm Mitigation Inspection report. This is not a Inspection report for buying a house or an appraisal. It is a laser focused inspection report that the State and Department of Insurance have created that give Homeowners credit for roof shape,nails, and covered openings.

The whole Windstorm Mitigation Inspection was dreamed up about 10 years ago by the State to offer consumers discounts for having well built homes. The report itself has changed over the years and seems to have finally stabilized into a inspection that needs to be done by a licensed contractor who is approved by the state.

The report itself costs around $75 to $150 but is good for 5 years and can save you BIGLY.How big? We just had a customer who’s prior agent never told them about the Inspection Report for his condo. He was paying $3719 a year then after he spent the money for the report his premium went down to $2266. That’s a savings of $1453.Well worth the cost of the inspection.

Most agents have a list of qualified inspectors that can do the report so check with them to make sure you are getting all the credits you can.

